Message from the President

We work as one with medical institutions, clinical trial sponsors, and participants to help implement high-quality trials.

Our Mission at the TRCP Group

The mission of Tokyo Research Center of Clinical Pharmacology Co., Ltd. (TRCP) is "as engaged in business affecting human lives, to comply with ethics and the law in pursuit of 'safe, high-quality clinical trials' as we strive to improve clinical development techniques and ultimately contribute to human health and wellbeing."

The TRCP Group is a clinical trial service group that comprises the site management organization (SMO) Tokyo Research Center of Clinical Pharmacology as well as the Shinanozaka Clinic and Samoncho Clinic of the Medical Corporation Shinanokai, medical institutions specializing in clinical trials.

In order to achieve a rapid response to the drastic changes in the medical industry, both businesses collaborate on the common value of focusing on the customer, which we believe can achieve even greater corporate value.

To fulfill our mission in society through medical and health services and to gain even higher ratings from our customers, each member of the company will strive for even greater improvement in "work quality" under our corporate slogan of "Total commitment to good health" as a member of the Kyoso Mirai Group, an organization dedicated to continuous and innovative growth.

President and Representative Director